Enlarge Tool Image In Sidebar
Skot Waldron
When you open the toolkit sidebar, I used to be able to click on the tools, and they would be enlarged in the window. Now, they are more like thumbnails, and I have to zoom in, which is not user-friendly. You can enlarge the video in the toolkit, so can you add something to let us enlarge the tool image as well?
Peter Awad
I would really like this feature as well. Simply: If when you pull up the tool, you can click it and it will take you to the unique page for that tool. i.e. if you pull up the role clarity tool in the bottom right hand corner widget and click on it, it will take you here: https://peterawad.giantos.com/course/giant-toolkit/role-clarity
Skot Waldron
I'm actually talking about enlarging the image of the tool. Not the video. Justin actually mentioned it on the Summit call this week, so I'm assuming it's in the works.
Masi Willis
Skot Waldron there is the enlarge icon in the right corner of the video and it will fill the entire screen. Is that what you mean?
Linnea Miller
YES! It's too small to see.